Bologna - 30 Sep / 5 Oct 2024

The program

Fuori Salone del vermouth Bologna

Giovedì 3 ottobre

From 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm


Place: Eataly, Via degli Orefici, 19, 40126 Bologna BO

Monday 19th February
5:30 p.m.

Open to the public,

Place: Floor 1 of Eataly Lingotto – Via Ermanno Fenoglietti, 14, Turin

6:30 p.m.

Vermouth tasting,

led by Matteo Bonoli

(PhD-R&D Spirits, Food Technologist, Experienced Herbalist, Blender, Distiller Fratelli Branca Distillerie)

Place: Floor 1 of Eataly Lingotto – Via Ermanno Fenoglietti, 14, Turin

8:00 PM

paired with Carpano vermouth and guest Matteo Bonoli

Place: Floor -1 of Eataly Lingotto – Via Ermanno Fenoglietti, 14, Turin


The hour of Vermouth™ di Torino, aromas and flavors to taste.

Place: Venues participating in the initiative

Tuesday 20th February
7:00 PM

Guided tour

Place: Floor 1 of Eataly Lingotto – Via Ermanno Fenoglietti, 14, Turin

6:30 p.m.

guided by Enrico Bontempi in Cantina Social

Vermouth Tasting Cantina del Geca Guest with Enrico Bontempi

Place: Cantina Social – Central Market Turin – Piazza della Repubblica, 25, Turin

8:00 PM

paired with Gran Torino vermouth

Place: Via Antonio Bertola, 20/B, Turin

8:00 PM

Special Edition Mix Contest

Place: The Lavazza Cloud Power Plant – Via Ancona, 11/A, Turin


The hour of Vermouth™ di Torino, aromas and flavors to taste.

Place: Venues participating in the initiative

Wednesday, February 21st
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

with tasting of pure vermouth and mixed with coffee

Place: Lavazza Museum – Via Bologna, 32, Turin

7:00 PM

Guided tour

Place: Floor 1 of Eataly Lingotto – Via Ermanno Fenoglietti, 14, Turin

7:00 PM

led by Walter Gosso in Cantina Social

Vermouth Bordiga tasting guest with Walter Gosso

Place: Cantina Social – Central Market Turin – Piazza della Repubblica, 25, Turin

8:00 PM

paired with Gran Torino vermouth

Place: Corso S. Maurizio, 61/B, Turin

8:00 PM

paired with Martini vermouth

Place: Piazza San Carlo, 156, Turin

8:00 PM

paired with E Bon vermouth

Place: Via S. Massimo, 13, Turin


The hour of Vermouth™ di Torino, aromas and flavors to taste.

Place: Venues participating in the initiative

Thursday, February 22nd

7:00 PM

Guided tour

Place: Floor 1 of Eataly Lingotto – Via Ermanno Fenoglietti, 14, Turin

7:30 p.m.

with special guest Chef Gabriele Eusebi of Santommaso 10 who proposes "L'innominato", the Dirink Cocktail based on vermouth and coffee, combined with Russian Salad, like a cassata, by Corrado Assenza.

Place: Lavazza Museum – Via Bologna, 32, Turin

8:00 PM

with Mancino vermouth pairing

Location: Intesa Sanpaolo Skyscraper, Inghilterra, 3, Turin

8:00 PM

paired with Carpano vermouth

Place: Via Maria Vittoria, 49/B, Turin

8:00 PM

paired with Franco Cavallero vermouth

Place: Via Sant'Antonio da Padova, 3, Turin

8:00 PM

paired with Onesti vermouth

Place: Via della Rocca, 10H, Turin


The hour of Vermouth™ di Torino, aromas and flavors to taste.

Place: Venues participating in the initiative

Friday 23 February
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Place: Lavazza Museum – Via Bologna, 32, Turin

7:00 PM

Guided tour

Place: Floor 1 of Eataly Lingotto – Via Ermanno Fenoglietti, 14, Turin

7:00 PM

led by Cantina Social

Vermouth La Palera Tasting

Place: Cantina Social – Central Market Turin – Piazza della Repubblica, 25, Turin

8:30 p.m.

paired with Onesti vermouth

Place: Top Floor of Eataly Lingotto – Via Ermanno Fenoglietti, 14, Turin


The hour of Vermouth™ di Torino, aromas and flavors to taste.

Place: Venues participating in the initiative

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