Turin - 17/21 February 2025

Tourism Turin and province
February 22nd and 23rd

Tourism Turin

Special Vermouth Show

Tourism Turin

Turismo Torino e Provincia scrl is the Convention & Visitors Bureau of the city of Turin and its provincial territory.

It is the body responsible for promoting the province of Turin as a destination for leisure, sports, nature, cultural tourism, individual and group travel, conferences, conventions, incentive travel and business tourism.

The Vermouth Hall


Vermouth Hall

Saturday 22nd February from 12:00 to 21:00, and Sunday 23rd February from 12:00 to 20:00, we look forward to seeing you at the Museo del Risorgimento for the second edition of the Salone del Vermouth.

The venue of the event will be the National Museum of the Italian Risorgimento, inside Palazzo Carignano, in the heart of the city, in Piazza Carlo Alberto.

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