Social Cellar

day 20.02

6:30 p.m.

Vermouth Cantina del Geca Guest with Enrico Bontempi

Gega winery logo
Social Cellar

day 21.02

7:00 p.m.

Vermouth Bordiga Guest with Walter Grosso

Bordiga Logo partner vermouth fair
Social Cellar

day 23.02

7:00 p.m.

Vermouth La Palera Guest

The Palera

The Places

Social Cellar

For Cantina Social, wine is for everyone and there is no need for circumlocutions. And in the Bottega il Vino, everyone can approach the world of wine with simplicity and taste in a cellar suited to every need.


Address: The Central Market, Piazza della Repubblica, 10100 Turin TO

Phone: 333 202 9528

Reservations: Click here

The Vermouth Hall


Vermouth Hall

The first edition of the Salone del Vermouth will be held on Saturday 24 February from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm and Sunday 25 February from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm. This event celebrates the aromatized wine, born in Turin in 1786. The venue of the event will be the Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano, inside Palazzo Carignano, in the heart of the city, in Piazza Carlo Alberto.

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