Turin - 17/21 February 2025



Coming soon

Guests and Masterclasses

Martini House

Guests and Masterclasses

Anthony Sciortino

Guests and Masterclasses

Michael Faccenda

Guests and Masterclasses

Mark Fabbri

Guests and Masterclasses

Alpine Tour and Tasting

Dialogue- Aperitif

Simone Bodini – After Dinner

Guests and Masterclasses

Andrea Balestrini


Edward Sandri

Diego Giacalone

Walter Gosso

Guests and Masterclasses

Fabio Bottini

Guests and Masterclasses

Manuela Mattalia


Penicillin Hong Kong

Guests and Masterclasses

Edward Spagnoli

Guests and Masterclasses

Gran Torino Tour and Tasting

Guests and Masterclasses

Experimental Cocktail Club Venice

Guests and Masterclasses

Sergio Pisu

Guests and Masterclasses

Matthew Bonoli 


Nicholas Amadori

Guests and Masterclasses

Antonello Palermo

Guests and Masterclasses


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